FreeRTOS for the Freescale DSC 56F8400 Core
Yes, I have been busy with all the different ARM Cortex Mx cores I’m using in my projects. But beside of the ‘ARM domination of the world’, there are other interesting processors out there. While the...
View ArticleKinetis Unique Identification Register
For my RNet stack I need a way to identify nodes in the network using a unique address. What I need is Media-Access (MAC) address. Base on such a unique address I can assign short addresses (e.g. with...
View ArticleNew P&E OpenSDA Firmware v114
Good news for everyone having Windows 8.1: P&E has released Dec 11th 2013 a new FRDM board firmware which solves the bootloader issue found with Windows 8.1. The new firmware can download from...
View ArticleDebugging the same Project Multiple Times in Parallel with Eclipse
I have I project which I want to debug on multiple boards the same time. So how can I download and debug the same application to multiple boards/processors, and debug them all the same time from within...
View ArticleUsing the FRDM-K64F with CodeWarrior
The new flagship of FRDM boards is the FRDM-K64F board. After FTF I have explored different ways debugging the board, and received many comments and questions about it (thanks!). Freescale announced...
View ArticleSegger J-Link Firmware for OpenSDAv2
Segger just has released their OpenSDAv2 firmware. The OpenSDAv2 firmware is different from the OpenSDAv1 as it is using a different memory map and bootloader. The OpenSDAv2 e.g. is present on the new...
View ArticleConstructing a Classroom IDE with Eclipse for ARM
For the next semester I will do things differently in my advanced embedded systems programming course (INTRO) at the University of Lucerne: Instead of using the Freescale provided CodeWarrior, we will...
View ArticleSemihosting with Kinetis Design Studio
Semihosting is a technique to do printf() debugging through an active debug connection. So instead using a physical connection like RS-232 or USB CDC, the connection to the host machine is through the...
View ArticlePreventing Reverse Engineering: Enabling Flash Security
Now I have invested a lot of time into my application, ready to be flashed on the devices and shipped. But wait: I don’t want that someone can read out the code from my device and have it reverse...
View ArticlePreserving Memory Ranges with Eclipse and P&E GDB Server
For my boot loaders I need the functionality that I can keep memory ranges from being erased while downloading the rest of the application. P&E provides a GDB server which interfaces with their...
View ArticleP&E Eclipse Update Site for GNU ARM Eclipse Plugins
P&E has just released a new version of their Eclipse plugins for the set of GNU ARM Eclipse debug plugins. The GNU ARM Eclipse plugins from Liviu support OpenOCD and Segger J-link, so with this...
View ArticleSemihosting with GNU ARM Embedded (LaunchPad) and GNU ARM Eclipse Debug Plugins
In “Semihosting with Kinetis Design Studio” I used printf() to exchange text and data between the target board and the host using the debug connection. Kinetis Design Studio (KDS) has that semihosting...
View ArticleEmulating Eclipse ‘Run’ with ‘Debug’ Configuration
Student: “Professor, my application does not work!” Professor: “What is the problem?” Student: “I don’t know, but the LED on my board is not blinking.” Professor: “Can you step through the port...
View ArticleUnlocking and Erasing FLASH with Segger J-Link
When using a bootloader (see “Serial Bootloader for the Freedom Board with Processor Expert“), then I usually protect the bootloader FLASH areas, so it does not get accidentally erased by the...
View ArticleIllustrated Step-by-Step Instructions: Updating the Freescale Freedom Board...
I have received a bunch of Freescale FRDM boards to be used in an Embedded Systems programming crash course. There are multiple issues with the boards coming from the factory: They come with an old...
View ArticleRAM Target with Kinetis Design Studio and FRDM-K64F
Newer microcontroller have increase RAM areas, making it suitable to run the application from RAM instead of FLASH. For the FRDM-K64F board and the Kinetis Design Studio (V1.1.1), I have explored how...
View ArticleTutorial: FreeRTOS with the Kinetis SDK and Processor Expert
Freescale had announced at FTF back in April this year that they will use Kinetis Design Studio and the Kinetis SDK for all new Kinetis devices. The switch from CodeWarrior to Kinetis Design Studio...
View ArticleTutorial: How to Erase the FLASH with the GNU GDB debugger
I have several applications where I store application specific information in the microcontroller FLASH memory (see “Configuration Data: Using the Internal FLASH instead of an external EEPROM“). I have...
View ArticleCommand Line Programming and Debugging with GDB
Eclipse with GDB is great: it comes with a graphical front end for debugging. But sometimes it is all about to download a program. Is it really necessary to launch an IDE like Eclipse to program or...
View ArticleUpdated P&E GDB Server for Eclipse: Connect/Attach and Advanced Flash...
P&E has upgraded their GDB implementation and interface used in combination with the GNU ARM Eclipse plugins: they support now advanced flash programming options plus the ability to attach/connect...
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